Thursday, February 18, 2010

Difference Between Brisket And London Broil What's The Difference Between Beef Brisket And London Broil?

What's the difference between beef brisket and london broil? - difference between brisket and london broil

Is it a different piece of meat?


Lisa B said...

They are two different cuts of meat. Breast, chest good, very thick and is usually braised or BBq'd. Carne Asada s generally beyond the plate of meat or cutting blade.

jc said...

A large number of cuts can be used for frying London.
The flank is the most popular (here anyway).
You can also reduce one of the thickness of the shoulder and beef brisket again, I think.
I've never been) a breastfeeding Roast for London (if not myself.
The side of London is my favorite for the grill and chest, as the poster said before me.

Rich Z said...

The same court. I think it is usually beef and London rarely for breast grilled meat.

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